Nowadays product & Services born global. Their launch happens simultaneously across the continents and on social media.
In few hours a product may be blessed or rejected by the global community upon the way it is perceived and commented. Physical and Virtual overlap.
The Customer Experience became this way the cornerstone of success. Sometimes important as the product itself, sometimes even more. For sure no one can consider it as an option anymore. CE must be outstanding, global, multichannel, multilingual, consistent, measurable and measured.
At the same time, it has to add value to product and services. It cannot sink them due to its cost, but it cannot be cheap, it must lift them up and make them fly.
CE keywords are :professionalism, outsourcing, optimization, innovation, channels integration and language blending. In a word, it’s time for first class multilingual hubs.
Middle East is a crossroad for this new era, and Dubai is the most innovative hub ever seen. Leaders opened the road, the entire market follows.
Being a CE leader means also to be at the right time at the right place, bringing innovation, value for money, effectiveness and disruptive approach.
This vision brought Teleperformance, the worldwide leader in multichannel customer experience, to create and launch in Dubai the first Virtual Contact Centre of the region. And the challenge just started.